Jazz research is growing worldwide. At academies, conservatories, and universities around the world, various kinds of research in jazz take place. Some of this research is of practical use, can be applied in the performance and teaching of jazz, some not.
This IASJ website is dedicated to 'applied jazz research': high-quality research that is linked with and of direct and practical use in jazz performance and in jazz education.
- Have you done research or do you know of research with direct applicability to jazz performance, jazz education? Something that every jazz musician, every jazz educator should know and can use in their own daily practice? Please share your insights on this website.
- Have you done applied jazz research and do you want to publish it? The content of this website will be integrated in the IASJ Jazz Research Journal, to be published by Grand Valley State University Libraries, MI, USA.
- Do you want to know more about applied jazz research, see and hear what others have done? Please participate in the Ongoing Dialogues of the annual IASJ Jazz Meetings or the bi-annual IASJ Jazz Research Conferences.
Questions, remarks, submissions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.